Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm confused...

So I just read all about RSS feeds and I am a little confused. I created a Blogline account and have added some feeds but when I go to my blogline account and click on the feeds I want to look at it just takes me to the home page. I might as well go to each website individually because I have to navigate my way through the website to get what I want anyway. I read several of my fellow bloggers accounts on RSS and they all seem to think it's great and "easy". I on the other hand am finding it a waste of time. I am fully willing to admit that I may be doing it wrong! Maybe someone will take pity on my and offer up some help? (hint hint)
if anyone wants to take a look at this and give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated

1 comment:

McData said...

I'm confused by them too. Not to mention the fact that I'm not a fan of the news because it's depressing. I tend to avoid it at all costs. So why I would want constant updates of depressing things is beyond me.